Sunday, November 24, 2013

Okay, I get it that all little girls want to be a princess. The only problem I have with this is that all princesses don’t wear dresses all the time. I love the concept of my little girls being princesses. I call them my little princesses all the time. Because as they get older I want to them to know that they are a queen. My dad always told me that I was his princess and then a queen. I just don’t get why all princesses have to wear dresses. I’m on a search for princesses that don’t always wear dresses. I just think that this concept for little girls is too much. My 3 year old thinks that if she doesn’t have her princess dress on that she isn’t a princess at all. I have always called her a princess no matter what she wears. She could be in the bathtub and I’m calling her my princess. I have explained to her that she is a princess no matter what she wears. And yes a 3 year old can understand this, especially my 3 year old daughter. This morning was the button that just got pushed. She woke up, was excited because she slept in her bed all night (yes we are working on this). As she comes into my room she said “Mommy, I slept in my room all night, now I can wear my princess dress.” I said “You did a wonderful job sleeping all night in your room, but no princess dress right now”. After I said this she had the saddest face on and said “But mommy I won’t be a princess if I don’t have a dress on.” I just had it then. So now I’m on a mission to make sure she understands and realizes that to be a princess you don’t have to wear a dress. I think all girls have started to think you have to dress a certain way to be a princess and that is definitely not true. I know some are saying but princesses in Disney have always worn dresses. Don’t get me wrong I love the Disney princesses as much as the next. Well I have grown to love them. I have always tried to teach my girls to have an open mind. I was so happy when I first say Mulan because she didn’t have a dress on. I just want not just my girls but girls everywhere to know that every girl is a princess when they are little no matter what they wear. So I know this mission might seem small and useless to others, but to me it’s a mission that I think needs to be done. 

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